Prolific author and poet, Noela McNamara, has ventured into a new area by publishing two books of tanka verse. “A Little Book of Tanka Verse” was published in 2022 and “Reflective Moments” in 2023, both by Jabiru Publishing. Noela has definitely shown her versatility and skill in these two delightful small volumes. As in much of her work, Noela explores the human condition in all its forms, good and bad. She hopes her poems will provide comfort in the sometimes difficult and uncertain times that we are facing today, as she attempts to provide a sense of continuity to our view of the world.
Here are some samples from “Reflective Moments”.
Freedom is a gift
the right of every person
to have and to hold
but it has to be held dear
if it’s not to disappear.
People Can Adapt
People can adapt
in pursuit of childhood dreams
if they stand steadfast
against roadblocks and defeat
testing their tenacity.
You can explore more of Noela’s published books in the Jabiru Publishing online Shop.