Children’s Books Published by ARCincbooks

The talented authors at ARC Disability Services in Cairns, Queensland will be showcasing their books at the Cairns Tropical Writers’ Festival from 8-10 March 2024. There will be an Author Q&A at 9.00 to 10.00 am on Sunday 10 March for the authors of “Emma the Wildlife Warrior” (Emma Gibbs), “Jack the Singing Dog” (Mel Egan), “The Mean Queen of Fairy Kingdom” (Sonya Doust), “Lucky the Little Bird” (Imogen Lambeth), “The Magnificent Danny & Dazzle” (Adam Reddicliffe) and “Beyond the Waves” (original story by ARC Creative Ensemble and adapted by Karen Jackson. “Beyond the Waves” was adapted from a stage …read more

Tanka Verse by Noela McNamara

Prolific author and poet, Noela McNamara, has ventured into a new area by publishing two books of tanka verse. “A Little Book of Tanka Verse” was published in 2022 and “Reflective Moments” in 2023, both by Jabiru Publishing. Noela has definitely shown her versatility and skill in these two delightful small volumes. As in much of her work, Noela explores the human condition in all its forms, good and bad. She hopes her poems will provide comfort in the sometimes difficult and uncertain times that we are facing today, as she attempts to provide a sense of continuity to our …read more

New Book by Andrew Matthews

Wordfix had the pleasure of editing “BOUNCING BACK!” by well-known self-help author, Andrew Matthews. The book has just been released. It provides 7 Steps for rebounding from disappointments and terrible events. The appeal of Andrew’s books lies both in the inspiring stories about people who have overcome terrible events, as well as in Andrew’s interesting and humorous cartoons. Andrew’s other popular books include “BEING HAPPY!” and “FOLLOW YOUR HEART” which have sold 8 million copies and been translated into 48 different languages. You can find out more from Andrew’s website.    

Selected Stories by Noela McNamara

Imagining Other Lives: Selected Stories has been slowly created over many decades. Scribblings of random thoughts and ideas on old envelopes, scraps of paper large and small, and various notebooks had lingered patiently awaiting attention. With precious spare time on her hands, Noela McNamara heeded their call and brought them to life. This collection of tales presents miraculous, menacing and mysterious happenings in the lives of imaginary characters over time in Australian society. Noela has a special penchant for developing original and creative stories and poems from her imagination, using ideas that pop into her head at random. This is …read more

Back Country Rivers by David Howard

David Howard has published a second edition of his very popular book, “Back Country Rivers”. In his laconic fashion, he has subtitled it “Wider and Deeper”. The new edition contains extra poems about people and events set around the remote rivers and creeks of North Queensland. David has also added more information about some of the poems and stories contained in the first edition. The book contains a Foreword by eminent biologist and beef producer, Angus Emmott OAM. Angus recommends the book highly: This book David has written focuses on the rivers in this outback region and the importance of …read more

Waanyi Away by Jeannie Little

Jeannie Little is an Aboriginal woman who grew up in Mapoon, an Aboriginal mission on the west coast of Cape York in far north Queensland. Her mother belonged to the Waanyi people who live in the area around Doomadgee in the Northern Territory. Her mother had been taken from her family and moved to Mapoon, thus becoming one of the Stolen Generation. Jeannie has named her book “Waanyi Away”, in recognition of her mother’s story. The family moved to Thursday Island at the tip of Cape York, where Jeannie went to school and worked towards her dream of becoming a …read more

Back Country Rivers

Recently released by Jabiru Publishing, Back Country Rivers by David Howard is a collection of bush poetry based on the lives of people who lived near the river system of north-western Queensland and north-western New South Wales – the Back Country. The poems’ stories can be sad, humorous, tragic and fantastic, and are told in the inimitable style of former ABC Radio broadcaster, David Howard, who spent some time living in Longreach. David’s poems are accompanied by carefully researched – but definitely not boring! – prose in which he explains more about the history of the people and the country described in the poems. …read more

“Timid Drip” by Desmond O’Neill

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What a pleasure it has been to edit and produce this very special children’s book, Timid Drip, especially since it appeals to people of all ages, not just children. The story is about Drip, a water-drop living on the Atherton Tablelands near Cairns, who is being bullied by the other water-drops. They love to jump down waterfalls, for fun, but Drip isn’t interested and feels there are much more important things to do in life. He rebels in anger, and disappears. The other water-drops feel very guilty, because they know they have been too hard on Drip. So they begin to search …read more

Latest book by Noela McNamara

Jabiru Publishing has just released Noela McNamara’s third book, “Daughter Woman Mother Wife”. Drawing on  her poems and stories written over her lifetime, Noela has compiled an extraordinary collection in which she explores the many nuances of life as a woman in the journey through life. Noela has a wonderful ability to go to the heart of what it means to be a woman in modern Australian society. While she writes about the joys of womanhood and motherhood, she is not afraid to tackle the difficult issues in life. This book also provides a glimpse into the complexities of family …read more

New Children’s Book by Amanda Wiltshire

The book introduces the loveable Nanny Teapot who decides to take a holiday at the seaside. She sent her beautiful golden crown by special delivery, but unfortunately, it got lost! Will Nanny Teapot get her precious crown back? Amanda’s first book, “Fly”, is a self-help book designed to help people who have gone through difficult life experiences. The book is available at the Jabiru Publishing online Book Store in the Children’s Books section.

New Book by Pharmacist Mario Calanna

Mario Calanna, the well-known and well-respected Cairns pharmacist, has a new book, just released by Jabiru Publishing. In his very interesting and helpful book, Mario covers the story of the Calanna family after his father migrated to Cairns from Italy and bought a cane farm. When Mario decided to study pharmacy rather than become a cane farmer, his father began to subdivide the farm, located at Woree south of Cairns. A medical centre and pharmacy were built on the old cane farm, and thus began the development of the chain of pharmacies, Calanna Whole Health Pharmacies, which has now grown …read more

The Science Rhymes Book, second edition

Congratulations to very talented poet, Celia Berrell, on the publication of the second edition of her popular book, The Science Rhymes Book. Celia’s unique gift derives from joining together science and poetry, two unlikely friends, to produce amusing and interesting poems about science for children. The second edition comes with added poems and illustrations. Celia’s book has been published by Jabiru Publishing ( and is available from their Book Store in the Children’s Books section.

New Book of Poems and Stories by Noela McNamara

Noela McNamara’s new book contains poems and stories about the interface between cultural groups in modern Australia. Noela traces present-day situations back to their roots and shows the way that the past impacts the present in the lives of people from different cultural backgrounds. Her background in Australian Indigenous Literature allows her to have a rare ability to conduct a sensitive and thoughtful exploration of sometimes difficult issues. While Noela’s previously published work has been in the field of poetry, the new book includes compelling short stories about people from different backgrounds who are trying to find their place within society. These stories …read more

“Fly”, a Self-help Book by Amanda Wiltshire

Illustrated with Amanda’s appealing and often humorous drawings, this delightful book presents simple ways for dealing with many of life’s difficulties. “Fly” offers words of wisdom to assist us overcome life’s challenges and find a way to a fulfilling and satisfying life. “Fly” has just been published by Jabiru Publishing and is available from the Jabiru Publishing Book Store in the Self-help section.

New Book in the Tommy Series

Jabiru Publishing has just released Lenka Wagner’s latest book in the Tommy children’s book series. “Tommy and Friends to the Rescue” tells of Tommy’s first encounter with the humans and the mess they sometimes leave behind when they visit the countryside. After being exposed to danger from the humans’ careless behaviour, Tommy and his friends work together to clean up the environment in the forest where they live and to make it a happy and safe place again. Lenka’s book is a useful teaching resource for helping children understand the need to protect our natural environment. The book is available …read more

A Nurse Like Aunty Mavis

Denise Petersen always wanted to be a nurse, just like her Aunty Mavis. Despite her reading difficulties, she successfully completed her training as a nurse. Thus began her career in nursing, starting with a stint in a tiny country hospital on the Nullarbor Plain, followed by nursing and midwifery in Australia and Papua New Guinea. She lived in Papua New Guinea for many years in a range of interesting, exciting and sometimes dangerous jobs. With her husband and children, she sailed in the family yacht to Cairns, North Queensland. There, the family settled, and Denise embarked on a whole new …read more

David Hull’s New Novel

A new novel by talented young author, David Hull, will be released in November 2017 by Jabiru Publishing. The novel takes readers along with Dane on his trip to self-discovery and growth after years of bullying and abuse at school – in other words, a chance to start his life anew. A chance meeting with Addison, who has a painful past of her own, allows Dane to learn to trust again and learn ways of dealing with his own problems.Dane is helped greatly when Addison introduces Dane to her friends, who show Dane how great it is to have friends who care …read more

Tales from Two Gypsies

Clive Richmond met his wife to be, Mandy, when he was 21 and she was 20. Deciding to travel around Australia, they spun  a penny high in the air to decide which way to go. After travelling around Australia, they loved being gypsies so much they did it again – and again. In fact, they have spent nearly all their life travelling to various parts of Australia, moving from job to job and place to place, even after they had children. The road kept calling to them, and they enjoyed the freedom, the beauty of the Australian countryside, and the opportunity …read more

Tommy Learns a Lesson

“Tommy Learns a Lesson” is the story of a self-centred, naughty bunny. Tommy treats his friends badly and thinks he doesn’t need anyone. One day, however, Tommy goes off into the forest alone. Soon, he finds himself in a dangerous situation. Will Tommy learn that he needs the help of friends and family, before it’s too late? Release Date Jabiru Publishing will release the book in March, 2017. You can buy the book from the Book Store,, under Children’s Books.

Delightful Children’s Book

“The Smiling Disease”, a beautifully illustrated children’s book, was written by Liane Low and illustrated by Tanya Sarianti Ashworth. It’s a story about a girl who is on a mission to change the world! She has discovered that smiling is contagious. If you smile at someone, they will smile back at you. This is a great way to make the world a better and happier place. The book was published in Cairns by Mary Low in 2016.

New Historical Romance: “Fortune’s Way”

With a Masters degree in History, Helene McCarthy is well-placed to write historical romances set in the early days of Australia. “Fortune’s Way” is the first of a number of novels she has written, and the book has been published by Jabiru Publishing as an e-book. This book is set in the early days of Van Diemen’s Land, now known as Tasmania. It tells the story of young Daniel Quinn who was sentenced to life imprisonment in Van Diemen’s Land for a crime he didn’t commit. He was only seventeen. Having survived the perilous sea voyage, Daniel decided to make …read more

Art book, “Travel to the Bushland”

Wordfix recently produced a beautiful art and story book by talented Aboriginal artist, Brenda Pearson. Brenda’s stories about her travels to the bushland, Dreaming stories, and stories about North Queensland flora and fauna, are beautifully illustrated by her paintings and drawings. Brenda has a great affinity for the natural beauty of North Queensland, including the Great Barrier Reef. “Travel to the Bushland” was published by Jabiru Publishing in 2016. Available from

Launch of “The Power and the Possible”

Stephen Chong launched his fourth book, “The Power and the Possible”, on 5 February at the Police Citizens Youth Club in Cairns. The book is a practical guide for teenagers to help them negotiate the sometimes perilous path to adulthood. Stephen Chong specialises in providing helpful life advice through narrative, and this book is no exception. It helps teenagers deal with bullying, peer pressure, alcohol and drug abuse, poor self-esteem and concerns about physical appearance. In the words of Mario Calanna who spoke at the launch, “Every teenager should read this book. “The Power and the Possible” was edited by …read more

“The Cruising Dream” by Jenny Lawton

“The Cruising Dream” by Jenny Lawton tells the story of Jenny and Doug Lawton’s seven years spent cruising the South Pacific. Accompanied by their two cats, the couple had some wonderful, sometimes terrifying, experiences, saw beautiful sights and met lots of new friends. This very attractive book was edited by Wordfix and published by Jabiru Publishing. Jenny launched the book on 5 December 2015 at the Bluewater Tavern in Trinity Park near Cairns – a fitting venue, since it is located next to a marina adjacent to the Coral Sea.

New book by Stephen Chong

Well-known speaker and author of inspirational books, Stephen Chong, is about to publish a new book for adolescents. This will be Stephen’s fourth book, and follows the style of his other books, where messages about life are provided through stories. “The Power of the Possible” aims to help teenagers find their way through the difficult path to adulthood. The book covers topics such as bullying, values, love, morals and ethics, making friends and motivation. “The Power of the Possible” is being edited by Wordfix, and will be published in late November by Jabiru Publishing.  

New Poetry Book by Jennifer Coffison

“No Indication of Splinters” by Jennifer Coffison is a delightful poetry collection that was edited by Wordfix. Jennifer’s poems speak to the heart, covering love, relationships, compassion, healing, courage and hope. The inspiration for the poems is Jennifer’s own life experiences. While she has written poetry all her life, Jennifer now wishes to share some of her work with others. “No Indication of Splinters” will be published by Jabiru Publishing in Spring 2015. The book will be available for purchase from

New blog, “Marketing your book”

“Marketing your book”, a new blog by Michelle Street, is full of creative ideas for authors to help in marketing their books. Published authors describe the methods they have used in book marketing. The latest post on the blog is from Celia Berrill, a talented poet who writes science rhymes aimed at schoolchildren. Celia’s poems have been used all over the world as teaching tools. Click here to have a look at the methods that have made Celia so successful.

Help for Dementia Carers

A new book to help people who are caring for those with dementia has just been sent to the printer and will be released soon by Jabiru Publishing. Voices of Dementia Carers by Helene McCarthy is filled with helpful advice for dementia carers, letting them know they are not alone on their carer journeys. Helene has drawn on her own experience and the experiences of other dementia carers to write this supportive, helpful book. With almost 400,000 people living with dementia in Australia, this book is a very timely resource for dementia carers and their friends and relatives. Voices of …read more

“Women of Steel” Book Launch

In Wollongong in the early 1980s, jobs for women were scarce. Many women had to wake at dawn to travel to Sydney for work or sew in backyard sweatshops for minimal wages. When a group of local women decided to fight for jobs at BHP’s Port Kembla steelworks, all that changed. At the time there were tens of thousands of well-paid jobs at the steelworks but BHP wasn’t employing women. A 14-year struggle began as the women took on BHP at the factory gates and then in court and eventually won the right to jobs at the steelworks. It was …read more

“Being Happy!” by Andrew Matthews

Andrew Matthews, the well-known author of self-help books, is about to release the second edition of his million-seller book, “Being Happy!”. “Being Happy!” has helped countless numbers of people around the world live happier and healthier lives. Here are some comments from grateful readers: “Being Happy!” changed my life. Nancy Hayes I love your book. I keep it on my bedside table and refer to it as my Bible. Robyn Horowitz I would recommend it to everyone. S K Leggate “Being Happy!” was edited by Wordfix and will be published by Seashell Publishers and available from their website.

Reader’s comments – Cheerio, Don

Reader, David Cottone, is very impressed after reading Susan Alley’s new book, “Cheerio, Don”. Here is what he had to say: I was so impressed with your latest novel, “Cheerio, Don”, and enjoyed reading every single page of it. I read the book at two sittings and was unable to put it down. What I loved most was the attention to detail of the everyday lives of Australian people in those days; the pioneers, the everyday townsfolk and the incredible community support for our boys over there…. From an historical perspective, the book would be invaluable as a source to …read more

Robert Reid’s New Book

Well-known investigative journalist and author, Robert Reid, is about to publish his new book, “Legends of Australia’s Wild North”. Robert excels in writing gripping tales of adventure and intrigue, and this book is no exception. It contains true stories of brave, bold and bizarre happenings in far north Queensland, including Cape York. Included are stories about Fred Cole, the notorious anti-smoking advocate from BUGA UP, Dottie Darwin, the longest serving barmaid in Cairns, Noel Vonhoff who worked as a mercenary pilot during the Biafran war, and the legendary Percy Trezise, artist, conservationist, aviator and explorer. Robert’s book will be published …read more

New Book by James Farrell

James Farrell’s new book, “Headmaster Not Eaten”, has just been released by Jabiru Publishing. The book is a collection of amusing anecdotes about his experiences while working in overseas countries. James has a rare ability to see weirdnesses and eccentricities in everyday events. The book is beautifully written and a great pleasure to read. “Headmaster Not Eaten” was edited by Wordfix. The book is available from

Kasthurie Govender’s New Book

A new children’s book, “Little Rosy Lost Her Way”, has just been published by Jabiru Publishing. Kasthurie Govender, who lives in South Africa, wrote and illustrated the book. Please follow the link below to see her beautiful artwork. Kasthurie wrote the book because she feels very strongly about the need to preserve the innocence of children. “Little Rosy Lost Her Way” is available from Jabiru Publishing,

New Book by Chris Shaw

Chris Shaw is about to publish his next book, “Never Let the Truth”. In his inimitable style, Chris recounts some humorous short stories based – sometimes very loosely! – on his very interesting life. Here are stories to make you laugh and cry, chuckle and wonder. “Never Let the Truth” was edited by Wordfix, and will be published in the middle of 2014.

“Beats Working for a Living” by Rob Ryan

Rob Ryan’s book, “Beats Working for a Living”, was edited by Wordfix and is shortly to be published by Jabiru Publishing, Rob Ryan was born and grew up in Kenya. He read Geology at Oxford and became a mineral geologist, a career that started in Australia in 1955 and has since taken him to many parts of the world to look for mineral deposits. “Beats Working for a Living” covers his early life in Kenya, his educational years in England and his work as a mineral geologist in many parts of the world. He also describes some of his …read more

Ten Common Mistakes That Writers Make

Jim Devitt from Indies Unlimited recently attended the Miami Book Fair International where he listened to various talks from literary agents. In his blog, he summarises, from this wealth of information, ten common mistakes that authors make in their writing. Avoiding these errors will greatly increase your chance of a positive appraisal of your book. To see Jim Devitt’s advice click here.

Regional Arts Development Fund grants 2013-2014

The next round of the Cairns Regional Council’s Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) grants opens on 28 January 2014 and closes on 24 March 2014. If you are interested in applying, you are advised to contact the Council’s RADF Liaison Officer, Lucy Hart, on 07406644 or email Lucy at Details about the RADF grants can be found on the Cairns Regional Council’s website. The RADF Guidelines and the Revisions to the guidelines can be found at the following sites: Guidelines Revisions to Guidelines

Book Creators Network

Book Creators Network, based in Cairns, Australia, aims to connect people from many backgrounds, all with the common purpose of creating and publishing books. Members include established and budding authors, designers, printers, editors, publishers, booksellers and others who are interested in books and reading. Some of the members at the inaugural meeting enjoy the camaraderie that comes from shared interests.

New Children’s Book Series

Sharon Wilson has published the first in a new series of children’s books, based on the endearing character of Walter Bear, a mischievous little bear who gets into all sorts of scrapes. The book, “Don’t Chew Gum and Don’t Lie to Mum”, is part of a new series called “Mum’s Morals”. As the series name implies, the books are designed to help children understand and learn appropriate behaviour. As the book has been so well-received, the author, Sharon Wilson, and the illustrator, Tracey Beikoff, are busily preparing the next book in the series. It will be released in mid-2014. The …read more